Taiji Japan: Säugenden Risso's Delfin Kindergarten hingerichtet - Drei Babys lebend entsorgt

Taiji Japan: Säugenden Risso's Delfin Kindergarten hingerichtet - Drei Babys lebend entsorgt

30. 01. 2024
Foto by Kunito Seko

Foto by Kunito Seko

Geschrieben von Megumi Matsuda (übersetzt):
"Es ist der 30. Januar 2024, 9:00 Uhr am Morgen in Taiji Japan, als die Formation vom Takababe Hill der Bucht aus gesichtet wurde. Das war nachdem die Küstenwache bereits zur Bucht aufgebrochen war um die Killer vor wem auch immer zu beschützen. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie lange die Gruppe schon zu diesem Zeitpunkt von den 11 Knallerschiffen getrieben wurde.

Es wurde angenommen, dass sich die Gruppe einmal geteilt hat, aber es scheint, dass sie sich weit und breit ausgebreitet hat.

Bild by Kunito Seko: Sehr junge Risso's Delfin Mutter mit ihren vermutlich ersten Baby, zu erkennen an der noch dunklen Farbe und wenige Kampfspuren mit mit ihrer Beute, Kopffüsse

Bild by Kunito Seko: Sehr junge Risso's Delfin Mutter mit ihren vermutlich ersten Baby, zu erkennen an der noch dunklen Farbe und wenige Kampfspuren mit mit ihrer Beute, Kopffüsser.

Nachdem die Formation bestätigt worden war, wurden sie mehr als 2 Stunden lang gejagt, und etwa 10 Delfine in die Bucht getrieben. Es handelte sich um eine Gruppe von Risso-Delfinen, darunter Mutter und Kalb Paare.

Video vom 30. Januar 2024, gefilmt von Kunito Seko in Taiji Japan


In diesem Moment konnte man außerhalb der Bucht lautes Dröhnen der Motoren der Jagdschiffe wegen der geteilten Gruppe hören. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob die Jäger die eine geteilte Gruppe Delfine in die Bucht treiben wollten, oder ob sie sie auf das Meer hinaus treiben wollten, denn niemand konnte sie sehen. Aber die andere Gruppe wurde nicht in die Bucht getrieben.

3 Babys wurden in Schlingen gelegt und mit einem Boot zum Bangerskiff gebracht, das außerhalb der Bucht wartete. Die Jäger stapelten die Schlingen und hängten sie nacheinander links und rechts an das Boot, so dass man dachte, es seien 2 Babys, aber als ich die Fotos von Kunito nach seiner LIVE-Übertragung überprüfte, waren es 3 Babys, wie die Jäger sagten, es seien "drei". (Bangerskiff in Engl. Knallerschiff, Synonym für die Jagdschiffe in Taiji, weil die Killer mit einem Hammer auf eine Eisenstangen schlagen um für Delfine einen ohrenbetäubenden Knall zu erzeugen, um sie zu erschrecken. Die Killer bilden für Delfine eine unüberwindbare Knaller-Wand.)

Wie üblich wollten die Jäger sie nicht auf die Quote anrechnen und warfen drei verwaiste Babys ins Meer, die allein nicht überleben können. Dies wird der Fischereibehörde des Ministeriums für Landwirtschaft, Forstwirtschaft und Fischerei über das Fischereibüro der Präfektur Wakayama offiziell als "RELEASED" gemeldet.
Dann töteten sie alle noch lebenden Delfine.

Wenn wir die Anzahl der Seile auf dem Foto zählen die zum Schlachthof gebracht wurde, sind es heute 8 plus die Aussetzung von 3 lebenden Babys mit geringer Überlebenschance.
Die vorgeschriebene Regel, dass man sich bemühen sollte, die Opferung von Mutter-Kalb-Paaren zu vermeiden, wurde auch heute wieder ignoriert.

Wir beten, dass die ausgesetzten Babys mit einer anderen Gruppe, die entkommen konnte, wieder zusammengeführt werden und vielleicht überleben." ~Megumi Matsuda

Wir kennen die Geschichten in Taiji, Brutalität und Gewalt auf höchstem Level an sanftesten Wesen der Erde. Nirgend wo auf der Welt werden Delfine so fürchterlich extrem grausam misshandelt wie in den Färöer Inseln und Taiji. Es ist kein Zufall dass Klaksvik der Färöer Inseln und Taiji in Japan Schwesternstädte sind, dies hat Propaganda-Charakter. Beide können deswegen behaupten, die anderen tun es auch, so lange sie es tun, tun wir es auch.

Bild by Kunito Seko

Bild by Kunito Seko

Livestream Video by Kunito Seko

User Schreiben und Kommentare auf Kunitos Post:

Kunito Seko
About 10 Risso's dolphins were driven into the Cove. 3 babies were dumped at sea, and the remaining adults were all killed and taken to a butcher's house.
Red Cove💔🐬🐬🐬💔

Foto vom Protest 29. Januar 2024 in Japan organisiert by Neko Chan
STOP TAIJI フォトアクションご参加頂きありがとうございます🐬🌈✨

Maryrose Markham
Für die 3 Baby Risso, die auf See ausgesetzt wurden, bitte schreibt eure Botschaften.
Japanische Botschaft in London
E. Postanschrift

Your future is far from certain as you face a life left alone to survive in a hostile and unknown ocean
Here you wait for the love and care of your mothers who can never return
An ocean where you once felt safe because your mothers were there to shelter protect and guide you
The ocean home you shared with them was a place of wonder and delight
Those days have ended along with the lives of your mothers
Their brave fight for life ignored by men who show not one ounce of compassion or mercy
You will forever carry the image of the brutal deaths your mothers endured
Separated from them you suffered only fear and confusion
Just a few short hours ago you swam together as a loving family
A family unaware of Taiji and the dangers that are ever present for your kind..
We will pray for you little ones that by some miracle you will survive but fear our prayers will not be answered
Thank you dear Kunito for witnessing yet another drive and brutal slaughter 💔

Bea James
#taiji in #japan turns blue water RED with the blood shed in the COVE by a small family of Risso's dolphins. . Another sad terrible day as Kunito Seko witnessed and documented the tragic outcome for 10 Risso's dolphins. An unfortunate portion of a larger pod who were unable to break free due to trying to protect the young within the family. Although, they did make several attempts to escape the clutches of the hunters , they were no match for the large noisy vessels forcefully herding them towards their doom. Once inside the cove 3 babies were spotted swimming with their mothers.. These precious souls were orphaned and dumped back out at sea ,left to fend for themselves, helpless and vulnerable to predators and starvation without the protection of their mothers and other family members.. Their mothers and relatives brutally slaughtered. Their only hope now is for the surviving pod to hear their distress calls and come to their rescue. This is the treatment of dolphins Taiji claims to be "humane." In what universe could this ever be considered to be so?!
These poor dolphins lives mattered and we will not be silent nor will we forget. For this family, others before them and others sadly still to come we raise our voice. 💔 Day 152

Annie Jung
Day 152
Today Taiji Japan Hunters push a Pod of Risso Dolphins, into the Infamous Cove.
We all know how this ends...💔💔💔
Around 10 Adult Risso Dolphins lost their lives in a cruel inhumane manner.
The three babies were dumped back out to the Ocean. With Very small chance of Survival.
I hope someday that there will be Justice.
Thank you Kunito Seko for your documentation. Thank you for being our eyes.
Rest In Peace Sweet Souls God Speed 💔🙏🐬
Today the Cove is Red

Red Cove Day💔💔💔🐬😭😭
The cove turned red💔.
A family of Riss'o dolphin Family were driven cove and three of their children were abandoned offshore. The mother was killed and could not survive on own. Camouflage not killing, if animal welfare law, it is a crime.!!!!
Risso's dolphin Family🙏🙏
Thank you sad live 🙏

Christina Cunningham
Momma and baby😭😭💔💔💔💔
Omg these poor babies😭😭😭

Bea James
Final moments for a mother and her baby together.. these moments spent in fear and helplessness.. Absolutely heartbreaking. 💔

Baby is injured

Justa Mn

Cherri Bombe
The skiff boats sometimes create the sound of screaming mother and baby dolphins as they are terrorized by the skiff boats that push mothers under the tarp where they are grabbed by a killer with the sharp rod he stabs into her head repeatedly in fron... Mehr anzeigen
The fear is horrific to see them desperately trying to get away...

Christina Cunningham
Oh dear god 😭😭😭😭

Nicole Thibault
How can they 😭😭😭😭💔😡😡

Bea James
Heart wrenching to see this poor panicked soul tangled in the net..
Oh Lord!! This poor precious terrified soul.. How can this cruelty aimed at dolphins be justified as "tradition" "culture" and as 'humane" treatment of dolphins!!! 😭💔

Beverley Wilkin
They're absolutely petrified. This isn't tradition and hasn't been for years, it's greed and vile blood thirsty humans. Sickening.

Lisa Parsons
Evil POS!

Bea James
These poor helpless babies.. They will be so frightened if not in shock! 💔😭 They should never have be subjected to this barbaric cruelty, but the hunters and all involved in this feel they are entitled to heap as much suffering as they possibly can upon these innocents. 😡

Isabella Cortese Romano
So heartbreaking to watch & learn of this sad news once again! We need powerful or famous people to get involved to help end these atrocities! Wish we can get real Japanese spokespeople to share & raise awareness with their citizens to educate them! 🤬💔🐬😪👀

Stephanie Cross
Your days coming

Christina Cunningham
Karma is coming......

Cindy Zimmermann
The horrors never end😢💔💔💔 just heartbreaking 💔💔💔💔

Lisa Parsons
It's just so sh*t. They are sick twisted POS. Hope they all fkn d**!

Lynn Phipps
God forgive me but I HATE these monsters.!!!

Carolyn Bianco-Paquin
They will get whats coming when they have to face judgement day!

Laura Mundis
Poor babies. I hope they can find the rest of their pod. So sorry sweet ones. We don't deserve this planet.

ReNay Daro Carr
No words!!!!!!!!💔

Lavender Light
I pray this ends!!! I can only pray and share! 😭💔😭💔😭💔

Daryln Swaim

AaElena Oñederra
I'm so furious they aren't supposed to touch nursery pods but yet again now 3 babies are orphans because of these hansius hunts. Praying hard for the very small little ones that they can find did that escaped or another pod to take them in.🙏🙏🙏💔💔💔😭😭😭

Karrie Kalich
Monsters!!! How can they leave those babies alone! Heartless!!!

Yolanda Tesselaar
Why? Just why? So heartbreaking!

Heidi Schwalbe
So, so sad 💔💔💔😢

Sandy Loney
January and February are always such gut wrenching months. 💔😩

Julia Wiltshire
#leonardodicaprio #TaijiDolphinSlaughter #japandolphinslaghter #stopkillingdolphins

Jennifer Justice
Heartbreaking 💔😢

Que Pasa
Heartbreaking 💔💔

Dora Tamez
JapanTravel Japan Travel - Nagoya, Chubu Save Japan Dolphins a stain on Japan!!! 💔😡😢 #TaijiWetMarket ,🐬🐬🐬🌊🌊

Debbie Bailey
Total and Complete INSANITY!
They are Monsters dumping those helpless babies back into the ocean!

Petra Neumann
Good morning dear Kunito 💔💔💔💔💔💔thx you 😭😭😭🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼shared

Yuko Kuboyama

Leigh Jalland

Amanda Jane
Absolutely heartbreaking to wake up too, sorry not been in lives , I've had to be up at 5am to take my son to work.
Thank you Kunito Seko 🙏💙

Sand Amiot - Lemaire
No no noooooo 💔💔💔 stop this, Japan 🙏🙏 poor dolphins and babies 🐬🐬💔💔

Dorothée Von Der Osten

Teena Mastro

Giuliana Montecristo Santoro
Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Schwertwal und Text „f 269life com 269 269life.com 269li 2 Tai Japan- Shame on you“

Christine Hill
Sorry Kunito 💔😪

Clara Stern
Oh nooo… 😢💔
Not again! 😢💔
So sorry, poor Risso’s. 😢💔

Karalinda Aguilar
These soulless inhumans!!

Viktoria Maninger
No feelings no heart can’t believe
The baby’s now alone 💔

Viktoria Maninger
So many souls lost their life’s
Why is this allowed there?

Ellen Stewart

Loving Our Animal Friends

Michelle Fitzgerald
so many babies abandoned in last few weeks 🙁 ...these vile humans make me sick

Lisa Demirgil
💔💔💔💔💔thank you Kunito san 💔💔💔

Lin Komdeur
Thank you dear Kunito So Sorry Heartbreaking 💔😭

Julio Ortiz Salazar
Really sad news, shame on bloody murderers! Thank you Kunito Seko 💔🖤🐬

Janine Hills

Caroline Kieffer Scharf
No words 🤮

Ann Palmer

Nick Marwood Jones
Very sad, these marine slaughter men belong in the dark ages, not the 21 century. They bring shame on japan and are an embarrassment to people the world over.
They are evil predators !

Antje Wahlstab
Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Schwertwal und Text „R.I.P. Sea Angels“

Pic A. Dilly

Patricia Jayne Penley

Sharon Saunders

Jackie Talbot
I’m so sorry Kunito 💔😭 they are pure Evil Subhumans I hope Karma will come calling.

Jacqui Cummins

Justine Ephgrave
💔. Again. Just awful.

Pia Schnell
Mir fehlen die Worte. Wie grausam können die Menschen nur sein und mit ihren Taten leben 💔💔😭

Beatrice Ferrario
Sadness and pain. Poor puppies abandoned alone at sea.💔

Louise Stronach
So angry 😡 these murderers need karma poor sea angels and their babies 😭😭 thank you kunito for the sad news I so wish it was always blue cove never red again 😭

Kayla Karine Peeters

Linda Morris
Nooooooo another red cove, those poor sea babies, a whole family just gone. Thank you Kunito, 💔 x

Beverley Wilkin
When will this sickening horror ever end ?.
Thankyou Kunito for documenting, please take good care,of yourself.

Neeltje van Veenendaal
No words 💔💔💔 Take care Kunito.

Leslie Cleary
Clearly they will not stop unless the world at large does something about it!!! They do not "own" these dolphins to do with as they will...they are "migrating" dolphins....!!!!😠😡🤬

Laura Elizabeth Auld
I’m just looking at a phito someone has taken of two dolphins playing near where I live , why I’m one part of the world they are loved so much and in this hell hole there so cruelly treated , makes my heart cry

Ania Ania

Sam Hicks

Kim Moore
Such horror! 💔😢

Karen Sarah Hall
So sorry you had to witness and report this horror Kunito 😔💔

Natalie Palencia
So many poor babies this season being dumped. Seems almost every pod caught. I believe it's harder for these pods with small ones to get away. 😥

Linda Renode Testa
I'm so sorry Kunito 😢🐬 so heartbreaking 💔🐬

Nicole Thibault
2024/01/30 ~ 💔🐬 RED COVE 🐬💔
Another very terrible heartbreaking massacre took place this morning in Taiji as the Dolphins killers brutally destroyed an innocent peaceful family of Risso's who were simply living their life in "The Ocean, their home" 💔 Like they like to do after chasing and terrorising them, they pushed them in the Cove even fought with some victims in the water to bring them under the tarps to be murdered 💔 They violently slaughtered about 10 adults and went back out at sea to mercilessly dumped 3 little babies that we all know will most probably not survive 💔
So sorry you had to bear witness again to such atrocities dear Kunito Seko🐬🐳 ~ Thank you to be as strong as you are to be able to document/report how they treat Dolphins in Taiji 💔

Dubois Anne
Taiji, Japan, Tuesday, January 30, 2024
💔😪Red Cove😪💔
Another heartbreaking day. The killers went out again today and found a pod of Risso's dolphins. Some of the pod were able to escape, but unfortunately 10 Risso's dolphins including 3 babies could not escape those terrible killers and were driven into the Cove. And once again the aggressiveness by the killers and divers was seen again. No mercy for those poor dolphins. The mothers tried to do everything to protect their babies. But unfortunately they couldn't win against those terrible killers, divers. The other dolphins membres and the mothers were led under the tarps and brutally slaughtered. The poor babies saw it all and then they were dumped back in the sea without their mothers. The chance of survival is very small. But I hope and pray that those who managed to escape find them again and take care of them. Yet another family murdered by the greed of these killers.
Rest in peace precious Sea Angels 💔😪
Thank you Kunito for witnessing and documenting this terrible slaughter. Respect for what you do for our friends Sea Angels.

Maureen Ellen McGill
Another day of brutal torture and murder by the Taiji Monsters of a Nursing Pod of Rissos Dolphins Three babies, after witnessing their Mothers stabbed to death, were left to die at sea. This brutality is witnessed by Kunito so that the world will know of the evil practised day after day against migrating dolphins. 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔. 💔💔💔

みみ しまだ

Karma Rovira
No, no es el mismo post de ayer, es otro dia mas en que una maldita gente asesina delfines. Y 3 bebes arrojados al mar a su suerte sin su familia y con pocas posibilidades de sobrevivir 😢😢
La justicia divina les perseguirá el resto de sus dias.
Cala ROJA 💔🩸💔🩸💔🩸💔🩸💔🩸💔🩸💔🩸💔🩸💔


Fotos und Video by Kunito Seko (Facebook)

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