28 Breitschnabeldelfine in die Bucht terrorisiert - Brutal misshandelt und abgeschlachtet

Taiji Japan: 25-28 Breitschnabeldelfine in die Bucht terrorisiert - Brutal misshandelt und abgeschlachtet

25. 01. 2024
Foto by Kunito Seko

Foto by Kunito Seko

25-28 Breitschnabeldelfine (Melon headed whales) starben heute einen grausamen Tod durch die Regierung Japans notorischen Meeressäuger- Vernichtungsprogramm, weil sie ihren Fische fressen; so die Aussage. Die Regierung von Japan nennt darum Delfine Kakerlaken der Meere.

Video by Kunito Seko vom 25. Januar 2024

Kunito Seko: "Eine Gruppe Melonenkopfwale wurde gejagt, sie teilte sich in zwei und eine Gruppe flüchtete ins Meer. Die andere Gruppe wurde in die Bucht getrieben, alle wurden getötet und zum Metzgerhaus gebracht".

Livestream Video by Kunito Seko

Die Killer waren gestern verzweifelt wegen schlechtem Wetter keine Delfine zu quälen und zu ermorden. Heut war das Wetter besser trotz schlechter Wettervorhersage. Ungefähr zwei Stunden nach Verlassen des Hafens von Taiji, fanden die japanischen Delfinmassenmörder eine Gruppe Melon headed whales (Breitschnabeldelfine).

Foto by Kunito Seko

*Foto by Kunito Seko: Nach dem Zerstechen der Wirbelsäule stecken die Killer den Opfern, die noch am Leben sind, einen Holzzapfen in das Loch um Ausbluten zu verhindern. Dieser Delfine wurde zwei Mal erstochen, es stecken zwei Holzzapfen im Delfin, dieses wehrlose Säugetier hatte lange an den schweren Verletzungen gelitten.

Die Auflösung des Livestreams war bis zur Bucht schlecht, deshalb rätselten alle Zuseher, um welche Delfine es sich handeln könnte. Infrage kamen nur zwei Arten wegen der Grösse und Geschwiendigkeit, wie sie in die Bucht terrorisiert wurden, entweder grosse Tümmler oder letztere,  Melon headed whales.
Kaum waren die  Delfine  hinter dem Net eingesperrt,  schwammen sie eng beieinander und trösteten sich offensichtlich völlig verzweifelt und in Panik. Viele waren sehr stark traumatisiert von der brutalen Verfolgungsjagd, lagen mit dem Bauch nach oben oder standen förmlich mit ausgestrecktem Kopf aus dem Wasser, soweit es ging.

Foto by Kunito Seko

Foto by Kunito Seko

Killer verliessen kurz die Bucht, kamen aber etwa nach 15 Minuten zurück und begangen die Delfine mit Booten und hochdrehenden Bootsmotoren an den Strand zu terrorisieren. Eine grausame Tortour, besonders für so stark fühlende Wesen mit stärkster sozialer Bindung aller Säugetieren, inkl. des Menschen, der genauso ein Säugetier ist.

Foto by Kunito Seko

Foto by Kunito Seko

Innerhalb des kleinen Netzes vor dem Strand terrorisierte der japanische Massenmörder-Abschaum die Delfine mit grösster Brutalität und Gewalt an den Strand in die Hände der Monster, die den wehrlosen Säugetieren lebend die Wirbelsäule zerstachen. Nur lebend verbrennen ist in etwa gleich schmerzhaft wie das Zerstechen der Wirbelsäule, nur dauert das Leid der Erstochenen um viel länger.

Foto by Kunito Seko

Foto by Kunito Seko

Bald darauf fuhr das erste Boot mit gefesselten erstochenen Opfern, lebend oder tot, unter den Planen hervor, bald darauf folgte das nächste und zuletzt das fünfte.
Mit einem Boot brachten die Killer mindestens 3 lebende Babydelfin aufs Meer hinaus, warfen sie dann über Board um sie zu entsorgen. Diese Monster wissen, dass Babydelfine ohne Muttermilch verhungern und ohne ihre Familie sterben werden; darum tun sie das, damit diese kleinen Delfine auf keine Liste geschrieben werden müssen.

Foto by Kunito Seko

Foto by Kunito Seko

Diese Verbrechen werden von der japanischen Regierung mit erfundenen Lügen unterstützt – Die Delfinmörder, Wal-Killer und die, die diese Verbrechen unterstützen, sind einfach nur kranke Menschen. Japan investiert jedes Jahr 5,1 Milliarden J-Yen in Walfang und Delfin-Vernichtung, weil diese kranken Männer befürchten, die Säugetiere wessen ihren Fisch weg. Während diese Regierungs-Monster Wale und Delfine  auf Papier zum Tode verurteilen, fressen sie einen Teller mit Fisch und anderen Meerestieren drauf, als Vorspeise geniessen sie einen speziellen in Japan üblichen Salat mit Fisch-Babys, die erwachsen mehrere Kilos schwer werden könnten.

Foto by Kunito Seko

Foto by Kunito Seko

Ein Parasit benutzt den Wirt und fügt ihm rücksichtslos Schaden zu, dieses Prinzip tut die japanische Regierung mit den Ozeanen und ihren Leben. Delfine und Wale fressen Krill, Kopffüßer und/oder Fisch,  und verwandeln diese zu neuem Leben und halten mit ihrem Urin und Kot die Ozeane gesund. Damit Delfine unter keinem Schutz in japan stehen, und sie frei ermordet werden dürfen, erliess die japanische Regierung ein Gesetz, vor Jahren, dass Delfine wie Fische be/misshandelt werden dürfen; sie degradierten die höchst entwickelten Säugetiere als Fisch - Einfach nur kranke Monster.

Foto by Kunito Seko

Foto by Kunito Seko

Einige Ausschnitte von Kommentaren auf Kunitos FB

Adrian Hey
Come on pod...go now!!!

Maryrose Markham
Please go under the boats pod 🙏

Linda Renode Testa
#taiji #WeSeeU #japanlife #japanese #stop this!!!!

Ramona Binarsch
Bitte Flucht 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Bea James
This is another fast drive.. Not good.. The poor dolphins will be terrified ! 😢

Maryrose Markham
Poor frightened confused dolphins they don’t understand what is happening to them 💔

Karl N Molly
I'm sure they are proud of this. Their mentality of its "our" right to deplete the world's oceans is main reason their products should be boycotted worldwide.

Adrian Hey
Such a nasty business

Suki Iruka
Kamisama please protect the sea children and call the scumbags to return to their home now

Haze Riley
I can't even imagine what goes through their heads when this happens.. they have to be scared out of their minds...

Ayako Kashiwagi

Karen Stuart
Pity they couldn't just hunt each other and wipe themselves off the face of the earth, I'd cheer that!

Megumi Matsuda
Dive deep and swim fast to the ocean!! Not to the Cove!

Bea James
These douchebags are so eager to shed blood.. Then sell the meat and poison their own citizens just to line their own pockets.. They are truly wicked men.. 😡 How the Government says this is legal is unbelievable.. Just criminal!

Haze Riley
Babies come on, if you're going to make a move you need to do it soon....

Megumi Matsuda
Not a small pod. They looks like at least 20. Kunito said.

Adrian Hey
Splashing reminded me of bottle nose...I hope not

Rodrigo João

Lorie Morse
A person would need to be VERY DARK, to do what they do. I cannot imagine humans, such as these hunters. Their conduct is so ugly & wrong!

Adrian Hey
Into the light beautiful melon family...we are sorry

Amanda Jane
Omg just joined 😭

Mimi Benadiba
I'm so sorry babies RIP go into the light

Siân Slim Spibey
Much like slaughterhouse workers

Haze Riley
We're so sorry sweet Angels...
You didn't deserve this..
Rest In Peace Sweet Melon-headed family💔😭... Mehr anzeigen

Diana Sheedy
they woiuld not even be dead when they are thrown into the skiffs and covered.
They are so slow at covering the dead they really don't care if we see

Megumi Matsuda
4th skiff went with 4 dead bodies maybe, Kunito said

Megumi Matsuda
3rd skiff went with dead bodies, maybe 6

Ramona Binarsch
Jetzt geht es mir noch schlechter 😭😭😭😭 ich kann es kaum aushalten vor Kopf und Magenschmerzen....😭😭😭😭😭

Kathleen Mclaren
They probably want us to see it.

Amanda Jane

Suki Iruka
Mörder von Taiji, sterben heute und brennen in Flammen

Bea James
5. Skiff more death dolphins 😢

790 dolphins slaughtered this season adding on this poor

Megumi Matsuda
This skiff leaves with 3 bodies

Suki Iruka
3 bodies alive??

Bea James
That makes 25 now to have been towed out 😢

Christa Kloosterman
My heart cries for this innocent family... Shared public and they will never be forgotten... Sending love and strength... 😢💔💙🐬🐬🐬💙💔😢

Laura Mundis
I am so sorry.

Marilyn Rowe
These thrill killers are despicable.

Karalinda Aguilar
Please meet with legislators and a politician to get a law made and passed to end this !
I know you want to show all this and you do a lot , I am just thinking of another way to

Amber Marin
We don't see melon heads here in California but wow I wish I could. They're so beautiful and this gorgeous family being treated like this just makes me sick.

Philomena Peterson
😔 Kai Jian Hua Peter Chee Khi Leong Mathilda Linda

Cindy Zimmermann
Just too much heartbreak 😥💔💔💔

Haze Riley
Rest In Peace Sweet Melon-headed Family 💔💔
Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Schwertwal

Laura Hillebrand
Shared 💔

Lisa Parsons
How horrible are those POS! I detest them all 🤬

Lisa Kaiser
Omg, this looks like a huge pod!this has to stop@!!! 😢 😭

Flora Angela Martinez

Carol Beaulieu
I Hate You T🩸A🩸I🩸J🩸I

Janis Millu

Debora Toro Osh

Robyn Frandemo
Heartbreaking 💔

Lorie Morse
When will #Taiji, Japan end these slaughters? When they've murdered an entire species? I doubt they would stop or their enablers would care. The only way this will end is if folks globally #DontBuyATicket! Apathetically turning one's head to THIS & attending shows, is what funds THIS. See them in their home waters, swimming FREE, not in captivity. End RED COVE days 💔

Linda Renode Testa
I couldn't watch 💔 vile 🤬 monsters 🤬

Linda Renode Testa
I'm so sorry Kunito 😢 I couldn't watch 💔 this is just too much already. I just wish it would end 😔🐬💔🤬


Patricia Bottom

Maryrose Markham
For the Melon Headed Whales slaughtered in the cove Email your Embassies
Japanese Embassy of London
E.mail address: Opinion@Id.mofa.go.jp

Judi Waring
So sad.

Michele Ryan
Aah the fisherscum of Taijii have struck again 😡😡😡

Mark Walker
Thank you for reporting.

Christa Kloosterman
My heart cries for this innocent family... Shared public and they will never be forgotten... Sending love and strength... 😢💔💙🐬🐬🐬💙💔😢

Nicole Thibault
Oh no 😭😭💔 I'm so sorry, poor defenseless beings 😭😭😭💔

Heidi Schwalbe
💔💔💔😭 nooo

Clara Stern
So heartbreaking sad… 😢💔

Jacqueline Watts
Our oceans are being destroyed, oceans need whales 🐋 and dolphins 🐬. Without them are oceans eco systems will cause hacocj to Human life and the land we all live on. Global warming already causing hell to our land we live on, so please, stop this barbaric crime to our world we all live on befor its to late, its sentless and damn right cruel.

Pat Norman
Evil pure and simple.

Maryrose Markham
Hearing these barbaric hunters laughing whilst slaughtering these innocent souls went beyond all bounds of human decency 😢

Elżbieta Brzostowicz
Ich teile, aber ich werde es mir nicht ansehen, ohne das Töten, Prügel, Verfolgung während der Jagd zu beobachten.
Menschenförmige Monster betreten den Lebensraum der Tiere, um ihre degenerativen Tendenzen zu befriedigen

Becky Cee
I have no words for this insanity anymore ...😪💔

Lori Egresi

Nancy Ann
Disgusting monsters. This is so sad

Maryrose Markham
Thank you for being a witness to this sad day
Too many dolphins are loosing their lives to these monsters
The day must come when they are safe to swim close to Taiji

· 💔heartbreaking day
Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Grauwal und Schwertwal

Carolyn Bianco-Paquin
I no longer sleep at night due to praying and crying! No one on my f.b. cares and never read my posts. They would rather turn a blind eye! People these days only think about themselves and nothing else!

Dora Tamez
Disheartening!! JapanTravel Japan Travel - Nagoya, Chubu #TaijiWetMarket 💔💔💔🐬🐬🌊

Debbie Bailey
Oh Kunito, how tragic 😥

Jen Robinson McGourney
Wtf is wrong with those psychopath killers. Why does this govt allow this to happen. Karma to all of them.

Daryln Swaim
😢💔🫂so sorry..beyond words

Chantal Anna De Luca
Omg 😭 I'm so sorry for this family.
rest in peace sweet sea babies you didn't deserve this😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
Thank-you kunito I'm so sorry you had to witness we truly appreciate you documenting this for the world to see.
I had to log out when it's was formation as we were going out.
This is absolutely heartbreaking 💔

Dale Ann Fisher

Jennifer Justice

Gusta Volkers

Petra Neumann
Good morning dear Kunito 🐬🩵🐬🩵🐬so sad 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔thx you 🙏🏼shared

Pia Schnell
Nicht schon wieder . Es tut mir so leid das ihr nicht in Ruhe und Frieden leben dürft . Euer Tot ist unnötig grausam grundlos und sinnlos. Wir werden euch nicht vergessen und weiter für euch kämpfen

Maxine Mason

Christine Wilson
Heartbroken, I’m so sorry. 😭💔 Poor precious souls, rest in peace beautiful melon-headed whales. 😢💔💙🐳🌈
Also thinking of the rest of the pod (who managed to escape) grieving for their family members. 💔😢 I hope they can stay safe. 🙏🏻🐳🐳🐳🐳

Sand Amiot - Lemaire
Nooooooo 💔🐬🐬🐬💔😭😭😭

Tracy Jayne Bonner

Giuliana Montecristo Santoro
Oh no 😭💔😭💔😭💔

Ulla Modoni

Ellen Stewart
So sorry, Kunito 💔💔💔

Christine Hill

Janine Hills

Daniela Thiel

Lin Komdeur
Thank you dear Kunito So Sorry So Sad Poor Melonheaded Whales.

Michelle Fitzgerald

Martine Drx
So sorry 😭 thank you Kunito 💔🐬💙

Yuko Kuboyama

Yuko Kuboyama
So sorry Kunito.💔😡💔😡💔😡💔😡💔😡💔😡💔

Sam Hicks

Karen Sarah Hall
I’m so sorry Kunito , this horror must stop

Neeltje van Veenendaal
I am so sorry. 💔💔💔 Take care Kunito.

Paul Ruddock
Domo Arigato Dear Brother Kunito San 🙏🏼🩵🐬💔🙏🏼🪷

Anette Margareta Västgötaspets
💔💔💔poor gorgeous melon headed 😢😢😢

Leigh Jalland

Kayla Karine Peeters

Leila Rebai
Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Text „JAPAN $HINTO TRADITION“

Valerie Duroux

Eddie Karen Flynn

Linda Morris
Poor poor sea babies, RIP 🙏. Taiji hang your heads in shame, oh sorry you feel no shame. Cruel cruel cruel and heartless

Clare Eagles
So sorry for you Kunito to witness this

Nicki Hill
When are they going to sink????

Stephanie Greatorex
Absolutely horrific #wildlifecrime

Heber Iama
evil, massacre, shame JAPAN

Jutta Fromke

Claudette Sorenson Novotny
I thought the purpose of capturing them was to sell them but are they now just killing for meat? Not that it makes sense or reasonable. I’m a bit lost with the current reasonings behind the killings? Please advise me. I want to share this post and also want a better understanding. hoping to hear back from some of you that are passionate and current.

Liane Bahmann

Paulo Santana
Um grupo de baleias da espécie cabeça de melão estava sendo perseguido, mas se partiu em dois e um grupo escapou para o mar, mas o outro grupo foi levado para a enseada e todos foram mortos e levados para a casa do açougueiro.
Enseada Vermelha💔🐳🐳🐳🐳💔

Beatrice Ferrario

Patricia Whyte
Evil murderers 💔

Leslie Cleary
"HUNTING WITHOUT DEMAND" and NOT traditional culture..😠😡🤬😤😯

Jackie Talbot
I’m so sorry Kunito it’s beyond heartbreaking 💔 🐋💔

Pic A. Dilly

Amy Searles

Deborah Clarke
So sad to wake up to this news, I'm so sorry 💔 thank you Kunito for being there to report for us. 💔 RIP sweet precious souls 💔

Beverley Wilkin
This looks to be a large pod 💔Absolute evil cold hearted bastards. Shame on Japan, Taiji is the bloodstain on your country. Your animal protection laws are non existent.😡😡
RIP Beautiful Angels, I'm so sorry.💔😪🌈🐬

Yvonne Dumsday
What devastating news Kunito Seko. Your heart must be so very heavy today. I just hope the pod that escaped will never have that experience again. 😥

Louise Stronach
Nooo!!!! Evil hunters, rip beautiful babies, thankyou kunito it’s a sad day 😭😭

Lorraine Brazier

Vanessa Baly L

Antoinette Corrado

Debbie Aspinall
So sorry. Glad some escaped, but how will their lives be with half their family missing. Once melon-headed whales weren't on the hunting quota, but as numbers of other dolphins decreased...#ExtinctionIsForever Thank you Kunito. Hope you are ok. Will share and tweet/post. 💔🐬🐳🙏

Jacquie Lamont
So sad

Lisa Demirgil
Thank you Kunito san 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

Justine Ephgrave
Poor babies.

Dianne Lynn Hallman
I'm crying I'm so mad! My husband and I watched every show start to finish!! So damned many lies!!

Annie Jung
Day 147
Today The Taiji Japan Hunters push a Pod(a family) of Melon Head Whales, into the Infamous Cove.
Estimate around 25 of these beautiful docile Melon Head Whales life's were wiped out.
I'm so very sorry Kunito Seko that you have to bare witness to these Atrocities.
I will be doing my part on Advocating in Calgary Alberta, Canada. In front of the Japanese Embassy, mid February.
If any of my friends are interested on supporting my demonstration, please pm me.
This needs to stop before the Taiji Japan Hunters place the Dolphins into extinction.
There Quota this season is low, due to the fact that the Hunters are slowly depleting our Ocean Life.
Rest In Peace Sweet Souls God Speed 🙏
Today The Cove is Red.💔💔💔

Julia Wiltshire
A pod of melon-headed whales was being chased, but it split in two and one pod escaped to sea, but the other pod was driven into the Cove and all were killed and brought to the butcher's house.
Red Cove💔🐳🐳🐳🐳💔

Ramona Binarsch
Tag 147- ROTE BUCHT #Taiji #Japan
Auch heute fuhren die Bangerboote raus um Delfine zu jagen. Kunito meldete eine Formation, denn die Jäger haben eine grössere Schule Breitschnabeldelfine ( Melon-headed) gefunden. Die Schule teilte sich in zwei Gruppen, wobei eine Gruppe fliehen konnte. Leider gelang es den Jägern die andere Gruppe von ca 20 bis 25 Delfinen in die grausame Bucht zu treiben, wo sie alle erbarmungslos getötet und zum Schlachthaus gebracht wurden. R.I.P SEA ANGELS 🌈😪💔
Wieder wurde völlig sinnlos eine Delfinfamilie und deren Genpool vernichtet. Für Quecksilberverseuchtes Fleisch, dessen Verzehr für die Bürger Japans enorme Gesundheitsrisiken birgt. In einem so reichen Land, wo keinerlei Not besteht, sich derart an den Geschöpfen der Meere zu vergreifen. Japan, warum lässt Du das zu?
Ohne unseren Freund und Mitstreiter Kunito Seko könnten wir nicht Zeugen der Verbrechen in Taiji werden.
Die Delfintreibjagden müssen ein Ende haben ‼️

Red Cove 💔💔💔🐬😭🙏
カズハゴンドウMelon-headed whaleの家族24頭が、HUNTERに殺された。今まで海を自由に泳いでいた家族、一瞬にしてこの世からいなくなった。この世にいた最後の姿。需要の無い狩猟‼️伝統文化じゃない、日本の恥‼️
安らかに、Melon-headed whale family🙏
A family of 24 melon-headed whales were killed by hunters. The family, which had been swimming freely in the great ocean, disappeared from this world. They were the last to be seen in this world. Hunting without demand ‼️, it is not a traditional culture, but a disgrace to Japan ‼️.
Rest in peace, the melon-headed whale family🙏.
Thanks sad live 🙏Kunito Seko

Chriss Cannes
🐬 𝘛𝘈𝘐𝘑𝘐 2023-2024 🐬
Les chasseurs ont trouvé une grande famille de dauphins à tête de melon divisée en deux groupes. L'un d'eux a réussi à s'échapper tandis que l'autre groupe composé d'une vingtaine de dauphins a été conduit dans la baie. Ils ont tous été tués sans pitié et emmenés chez le boucher.
Red cove day.
💔 𝑳𝒂 𝒃𝒂𝒊𝒆 𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒆 💔
ℕ’𝕙𝕖́𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕫 𝕒̀ 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕣🙏 Boycottez les parcs aquatiques, n'achetez pas de billets !
🎥 Sans notre ami Kunito Seko, nous ne serions pas en mesure d'assister aux crimes de Taiji. Merci d'être présent chaque jour pour nous informer.

Maryrose Markham
January 25
Though you fought so hard to escape you were driven swiftly into the cove a place of no return, a place that holds only sorrow
Here your lives were taken in hatred and brutality
There was no mercy shown no remorse felt by the barbaric hunters of Taiji
Here in the shallow waters of the Cove you were to suffer fear that only ended in your agonising deaths
The cruel laughter of your killers the last sound you were to hear from a species you were to meet but once
Today you paid the ultimate price
Your freedom stolen
Your lives destroyed
We will tell your story for you can no longer ask for mercy or compassion
A story we have told so many times before
Dear Kunito we thank you for witnessing these horrors so others may know the cruel story of Taiji

Gusta Volkers
Thank you my sweet friend Kunito for being our eyes and ears during these terrible slaughters,
A pod of melon-headed whales was being chased, but it split in two and one pod escaped to sea, but the other pod was driven into the Cove and all were killed and brought to the butcher's house.

Bea James
TAIJI: Japan Day 147
Dolphin advocate and resident of Taiji Kunito Seko witnessed and documented today's tragic outcome for a pod of approximately 26 Melon Headed Whales ( also known as the Electra Dolphin) that were forcefully driven to the Cove. Their lives mercilessly taken under the tarps on the killing shore of the infamous Cove. These poor gentle souls migrating and swimming in the early hours of the morning wild and free in their ocean home, enjoying their own inherent qualities with their pod-mates only to fall foul of hunters who wished to destroy them. The dolphins sentience, beauty and grace not acknowledged by those who brought about their deaths with no remorse.
A portion of this pod managed to escape the clutches of the hunters during the drive and they fled back out to deeper waters. They will have been exhausted, confused and terrified as well. I just hope they keep going out of the area and do not linger searching for their now lost family members otherwise, they too are still at risk of harm.
Another sad loss for the oceans as more dolphins are lost to the waves due to the cruelty of man.. These dolphins lives mattered and we will not be silent nor will we forget. 💔

Marianne Lenaerts
A pod of melon-headed whales was being chased, but it split in two and one pod escaped to sea, but the other pod was driven into the Cove and all were killed and brought to the butcher's house.
Red Cove💔🐳🐳🐳🐳💔

みみ しまだ
08時48分。Formation 。
09時27分、Netted 。

Dubois Anne
A beautiful pod of melon-headed whales was being chased, but it split in two and one pod escaped to sea, but the other pod was driven into the Cove and all were killed and brought to the butcher's house.
Rest in peace precious Sea Angels 💔😪
Thank you Kunito for documenting and bearing witness to the horrific, brutal slaughter of our friends Sea Angels. Much respect for what you do. Without you we wouldn't know what's happening with Taiji's dolphins.

Karma Rovira
Hoy han vuelto a asesinar delfines 😢😢😢
Cala Roja en Taiji. Nada mas que decir, las imagenes hablan por si solas. Kunito ha dado la explicación. Sentimos que tengas que presenciar algo tan cruel 😢😢😢

Maureen Ellen McGil
Die Blutlust der feigen Serienmörder nahm 25 verängstigten Melonenköpfe-Delfinen das kostbare Leben. Gejagt, gefoltert und abgeschlachtet. Das ist mehr als kriminell, es ist das pure Böse. Danke Kunito für das Zeuge eines weiteren Massakers. 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

Fotos und Video by Kunito Seko (Facebook)

Hashtags inkl. Links zu den Webseiten:
#CetaceanRights (Rechte der Delfine und Wale)